BackupService serves Backup resource APIs.
rpc GetBackup(GetBackupRequest) Backup
GetBackup API returns the Backup resource.
rpc DeleteBackup(DeleteBackupRequest) .google.protobuf.Empty
DeleteBackup API deletes the Backup resource.
rpc ListBackups(ListBackupsRequest) ListBackupsResponse
ListBackups API lists the Backup resources.
Resource representing a Data Service Backup.
Field | Type | Description |
meta | public.portworx.common.v1.Meta | Metadata of the resource. |
config | Config | Desired configuration of the Backup. |
status | Status | Current status of the Backup. |
Desired configuration of the Backup.
Field | Type | Description |
references | References | References to other objects. |
backup_capability | string | BackupCapability of the deployment target when the snapshot was created. |
DataService Deployment Meta Data contains the details of the deployment associated with the backup.
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of the data service deployment. |
custom_resource_name | string | Custom Resource Name is the kubernetes resource name for the deployment meta data. |
target_cluster_name | string | Target cluster Name associated with the backup. |
namespace_name | string | Namespace name to which the backup is associated. |
tls_enabled | bool | Flag to check whether Transport Layer Security support is enabled or not. |
data_service_name | string | Name of the data service of data service deployment. |
data_service_version | string | Name of the version of data service. |
image_build | string | build tag of the image for the data service version. |
Request to delete the Backup resource.
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | UID of the Backup. |
force | bool | Force flag to delete backup from control plane only. |
Request to get the Backup resource.
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | UID of the Backup. |
Request to list the Backup resources.
Field | Type | Description |
oneof list_by.data_service_deployment_id | string | Data service Deployment ID for which the backups will be listed. |
oneof list_by.backup_config_id | string | Backup Configuration ID for which the backups will be listed. |
pagination | public.portworx.common.v1.PageBasedPaginationRequest | Pagination parameters for listing backups. |
sort | public.portworx.common.v1.Sort | Sorting details using which requested list of backups to be sorted. |
Response to list Backup request.
Field | Type | Description |
backups | repeated Backup | List of backup resources. |
pagination | public.portworx.common.v1.PageBasedPaginationResponse | Pagination metadata for this response. (-- api-linter: core::0132::response-unknown-fields=disabled We need this field for pagination. --) |
References to other resources.
Field | Type | Description |
image_id | string | UID of the image of the data service which will needs to be backup . |
Status of the Backup.
Field | Type | Description |
cloud_snap_id | string | CloudSnapID snapshot of the backup volume. |
start_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Start time of the backup. |
completion_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Completion time of the backup. |
phase | Status.Phase | Phase of the Backup. |
error_code | string | ErrorCode if CompletionStatus is "Failed". |
error_message | string | ErrorMessage associated with the ErrorCode. |
file_size | int64 | FileSize of the CloudSnap image. |
data_service_deployment_meta_data | DataServiceDeploymentMetaData | DataService Deployment Meta Data. |
Enum for Phase of the DataService Deployment.
Name | Number | Description |
PHASE_UNSPECIFIED | 0 | Phase is unspecified. |
IN_PROGRESS | 1 | Backup is in_progress. |
COMPLETED | 2 | Backup is completed. |
FAILED | 3 | Backup is failed. |