Restore service provides APIs to interact with the Restore entity.
rpc CreateRestore(CreateRestoreRequest) Restore
CreateRestore API creates the Restore resource.
rpc GetRestore(GetRestoreRequest) Restore
GetRestore API returns the Restore resource.
rpc ListRestores(ListRestoresRequest) ListRestoresResponse
ListRestore API lists the Restore resources.
rpc RecreateRestore(RecreateRestoreRequest) Restore
RecreateRestore API recreates a already failed restore.
Desired configuration of the restore.
Field | Type | Description |
source_references | SourceReferences | SourceReferences for the restore. |
destination_references | DestinationReferences | Destination references for the restore. |
custom_resource_name | string | K8s resource name for restore, built from ["restore-" + name + short-id]. |
pod_scheduling_config | public.portworx.pds.common.v1.PodSchedulingConfig | Optional Pod Scheduling Configuration. If not provided, the Pod Scheduling Configuration from the source deployment will be used. |
Request to create a restore.
Field | Type | Description |
namespace_id | string | UID of the namespace where restore will be created. (-- api-linter: core::0133::request-unknown-fields=disabled We really need this field because namespace is the parent of the restore. --) (-- api-linter: core::0133::request-required-fields=disabled We really need this field to be required to support creation of the resource in the deployment context.. --) |
project_id | string | UID of the project associated with the restore. (-- api-linter: core::0133::request-unknown-fields=disabled We need this field for to know the project with which the restore is associated with. --) (-- api-linter: core::0133::request-required-fields=disabled We really need this field to be required to support creation of the resource in the deployment context.. --) |
restore | Restore | Restore resource. |
Destination references for the restore.
Field | Type | Description |
target_cluster_id | string | UID of the target cluster where restore will be created. |
data_service_deployment_id | string | UID of the deployment created by the restore. |
project_id | string | UID of the project. |
Request to get a restore.
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | UID of the restore. |
Request to list the restores.
Field | Type | Description |
oneof list_by.tenant_id | string | Tenant (Organization) ID for which the restore will be listed. |
oneof list_by.project_id | string | Project ID for which the restore will be listed. |
oneof list_by.data_service_deployment_id | string | Deployment ID for which the restore will be listed. |
oneof list_by.backup_id | string | Backup ID for which the restore will be listed. |
sort | public.portworx.common.v1.Sort | Sorting details using which requested list to be sorted. |
pagination | public.portworx.common.v1.PageBasedPaginationRequest | Pagination metadata for this response. |
ListRestoresResponse represents list restores response.
Field | Type | Description |
restores | repeated Restore | List of restores. |
pagination | public.portworx.common.v1.PageBasedPaginationResponse | Pagination metadata for this response. (-- api-linter: core::0132::response-unknown-fields=disabled We need this field for pagination. --) |
Request to recreate a restore.
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | UID of the existing restore. |
name | string | Name of the restore. |
project_id | string | UID of the project associated with the restore. |
namespace_id | string | UID of namespace where restore will be created. |
Restore represents a data service restore.
Field | Type | Description |
meta | public.portworx.common.v1.Meta | Metadata of the resource. |
config | Config | Desired configuration of the Restore. |
status | Status | Current status of the Restore. |
SourceReferences for the restore.
Field | Type | Description |
data_service_deployment_id | string | UID of the deployment which was backed up. |
backup_id | string | UID of the backup. |
backup_location_id | string | UID of the backup location. |
cloudsnap_id | string | UID of the cloud snapshot of the backup volume used for restore. |
Status of the restore.
Field | Type | Description |
started_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | (-- api-linter: core::0142::time-field-names=disabled We need to do this because we need different name for the field. --) Time when restore was started. |
completed_at | google.protobuf.Timestamp | (-- api-linter: core::0142::time-field-names=disabled We need to do this because we need different name for the field. --) Time when restore was completed. |
error_code | ErrorCode | Error code of the restore from Target Cluster. |
error_message | string | Error message is description of the error in restore. |
phase | Phase | Phase of the restore. |
custom_resource_name | string | Custom Resource Name is the kubernetes resource name for the restore that is built from ID. |
Enums for error codes for restore on the target cluster.
Name | Number | Description |
ERROR_CODE_UNSPECIFIED | 0 | Error code not specified. |
DATA_SERVICE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST | 1 | Deployment name already used in the namespace. |
FAILED_BACKUP_CREDENTIAL_SYNC | 2 | Failed to sync backup credentials on the target cluster. |
RESTORE_INTERNAL_ERROR | 3 | Restore Internal error. |
Enum for phase of the restore.
Name | Number | Description |
PHASE_UNSPECIFIED | 0 | Phase is unspecified. |
INITIALIZING | 1 | Restore is initializing. |
PENDING | 2 | Restore has not yet started. |
RESTORING_CLOUDSNAP | 3 | Waiting for the cloud snap restore to complete. |
RESTORING_DATA_SERVICE_DEPLOYMENT_CR | 4 | PV and PVC resources are ready and we're waiting to get the data service deployment manifest from the backup. |
RESTORING_DATA_SERVICE_DEPLOYMENT | 5 | New data service deployment has been created and we're waiting for the restore process to complete. |
DATA_SERVICE_DEPLOYMENT_ENTERING_NORMAL_MODE | 6 | Restore process in data service deployment has succeeded and we're waiting until it becomes healthy in normal mode. |
SUCCESSFUL | 7 | Restore successful. |
FAILED | 8 | Restore failed. |