Account service provides APIs to interact with the Account entity.
rpc GetAccount(GetAccountRequest) Account
GetAccount API returns the info about account for given account id.
rpc DeleteAccount(DeleteAccountRequest) .google.protobuf.Empty
DeleteAccount API deletes account for given id.
Account is a high level entity that represents one large company(e.g. a Pure). An account has multiple tenants.
Field | Type | Description |
meta | public.portworx.common.v1.Meta | Metadata of the account. |
config | Config | Desired configuration of the Account. |
status | Status | Subscription Status for Portworx Services. |
AWS subscription info for one product.
Field | Type | Description |
client_id | string | Aws client id associated with the installed product. |
product_id | string | Aws product id of the installed product. |
account_id | string | Aws account id associated with the installed product. |
Desired configuration of the account. @param dns_name has been deprecated and moved to config management.
Field | Type | Description |
user_email | string | email of the first account user. |
display_name | string | Display name of Account. |
account_type | AccountType | Describes whether it is a Freemium or an Enterprise account. |
oneof pds_subscription.pds_zuora_subscription | ZuoraSubscriptionInfo | Zuora subscription info. |
oneof pxe_subscription.pxe_aws_subscription | AwsSubscriptionInfo | AWS registration token. |
oneof pxe_subscription.pxe_zuora_subscription | ZuoraSubscriptionInfo | Zuora subscription info. |
oneof baas_subscription.baas_aws_subscription | AwsSubscriptionInfo | AWS registration token. |
oneof baas_subscription.baas_zuora_subscription | ZuoraSubscriptionInfo | Zuora subscription info. |
DeleteAccountRequest is the request message to DeleteAccount API.
Field | Type | Description |
account_id | string | account id which is going to be deleted. |
GetAccountRequest is the request message to GetAccount API.
Field | Type | Description |
account_id | string | account id for which account details need to be fetched. |
Phase represents the account status of the account.
Subscription Status for Portworx Services
Field | Type | Description |
pxe | StatusType | Subscription status of Portworx Enterprise. |
pds | StatusType | Subscription status of Portworx DataServices. |
baas | StatusType | Subscription status of Portworx Backup |
reason | string | Textual information for the current state of the account. |
phase | Phase.Type | Current phase of the account. |
Zuora Subscription info for a particular installed product.
Field | Type | Description |
subscription_id | string | id associated installed product. |
account_id | string | id associated with the customer account. |
Accepted account types.
Name | Number | Description |
ACCOUNT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED | 0 | Unspecified, do not use. |
FREEMIUM | 1 | Account is of freemium type for all three Portworx Service. |
ENTERPRISE | 2 | Account has a active subscription for at least one of the Portworx Services. |
Type of phase the account is in currently should be one of the below.
Name | Number | Description |
TYPE_UNSPECIFIED | 0 | Unspecified, do not use. |
ACTIVE | 1 | The account is in use and active. |
DELETE_PENDING | 2 | Deletion of account has not started. |
DELETE_IN_PROGRESS | 3 | Deletion of the account is scheduled and in progress. |
DELETE_FAILED | 4 | Deletion of account is failed |
Accepted status types for various cloud providers.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED | 0 | Unspecified, do not use. |
FREEMIUM_SUCCESS | 1 | A successfully freemium account setup. |
AWS_SUBSCRIBE_SUCCESS | 2 | Customer has subscribed product on aws marketplace. |
AWS_SUBSCRIBE_FAIL | 3 | Customer has subscribed product on aws marketplace but aws encountered failure during account setup. |
AWS_UNSUBSCRIBE_PENDING | 4 | Customer has unsubscribed from marketplace and now we have 1 hour to report final billing. and perform other de-boarding processes. |
AWS_UNSUBSCRIBE_SUCCESS | 5 | Customer successfully unsubscribed and we can't report billing to aws for this account anymore. |
ZUORA_SUBSCRIBE | 6 | Customer successfully subscribed to Zuora. |
ZUORA_UNSUBSCRIBE | 7 | Customer has unsubscribed from Zuora. |