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IAM service provides APIs to interact with the IAM role bindings.


rpc CreateIAM(CreateIAMRequest) IAM

CreateIAM API creates a new IAM role-binding.


rpc GrantIAM(GrantIAMRequest) GrantIAMResponse

GrantIAM API creates new IAM role-binding at Tenant (Organization), project and account level.


rpc RevokeIAM(RevokeIAMRequest) RevokeIAMResponse

RevokeIAM API delete IAM role-binding at Tenant (Organization), project and account level.


rpc GetIAM(GetIAMRequest) IAM

GetIAM API returns the info about IAM for given IAM id.


rpc ListIAMPermissions(ListIAMPermissionsRequest) ListIAMPermissionsResponse

ListIAMPermissions API list permissions for Roles in IAM.


rpc UpdateIAM(UpdateIAMRequest) IAM

UpdateIAM API updates IAM with the new set of role bindings. The request replaces the existing set of bindings.


rpc DeleteIAM(DeleteIAMRequest) .google.protobuf.Empty

DeleteIAM API delete IAM, currently required only for name.


rpc ListIAM(ListIAMRequest) ListIAMResponse

ListIAM API lists the role bindings.



Access Policy controls access to control plane resources. With IAM, one can centrally manage permissions that control which resources users can access.

Field Type Description
global_scope repeated string Global scope represents the global role names.
account repeated string Account represents the account role names.
tenant repeated RoleBinding Tenant (Organization) represents the Organization level role bindings and resource IDs.
project repeated RoleBinding Project represents the project level role bindings and resource IDS.
namespace repeated RoleBinding Namespace represents the namespace level role bindings and resource IDS.


Config represents the details of the data for IAM across different levels.

Field Type Description
actor_id string Actor ID for the associated actor.
actor_type string Actor Type gives the actor type for the concerned actor_id.
actor_email string Actor email for actorType USER.
access_policy AccessPolicy Created/updated IAM.


CreateIAMRequest to create a role binding.

Field Type Description
iam IAM IAM to be created


DeleteIAMRequest is the request message to DeleteIAM API.

Field Type Description
actor_id string Actor ID for which the IAM should be deleted.


GetIAMRequest is the request message to GetIAM API.

Field Type Description
actor_id string Actor ID for which the details need to be fetched.


GrantIAMRequest to grant add a new role in the IAM for Tenant (Organization), project or account.

Field Type Description
oneof resource_id.account_id string Account UID under which user wants to add role binding.
oneof resource_id.tenant_id string Tenant (Organization) UID under which user wants to add role binding.
oneof resource_id.project_id string Project UID under which user wants to add role binding.
actor_id string actorId is UID of user/serviceAccount for we want to add new role in the IAM
access_policy AccessPolicy Describes roles that needs to be added


GrantIAMResponse is response for GrantIAM API.

Field Type Description
message string Any error or success message to show for GrantIAM response.


IAM returns the created IAM for given data.

Field Type Description
meta public.portworx.common.v1.Meta Metadata for IAM.
config Config Desired configuration of the IAM.


ListIAMPermissionsRequest is the request to fetch user's permissions.

Field Type Description
tenant_id string Tenant (Organization) ID in context to which the permissions of the user to be listed. (-- api-linter: core::0132::response-unknown-fields=disabled We really need this field to list permissions for roles in IAM. --)
project_id string permission request is to list the permissions of the user on given project. (-- api-linter: core::0132::response-unknown-fields=disabled We really need this field to list permissions for roles in IAM. --)


ListIAMPermissionsResponse is response which contains permission for actor.

Field Type Description
permissions repeated string permissions is list of permissions. (-- api-linter: core::0132::response-unknown-fields=disabled We really need this field to list permissions for roles in IAM. --)


ListIAMRequest is an empty request to the ListIAM API.

Field Type Description
actor_id string Actor ID for which the IAM should be listed.
oneof resource_id.account_id string Account UID for which the IAM should be listed.
oneof resource_id.tenant_id string Tenant (Organization) UID for which the IAM should be listed.
oneof resource_id.project_id string Project UID for which the IAM should be listed.
sort Sort Sorting details using which requested list of iams to be sorted.
pagination public.portworx.common.v1.PageBasedPaginationRequest Pagination parameters for listing IAM.
tenant_uid string Tenant (Organization) UID for which the IAM should be listed.
project_uid string Project UID for which the IAM should be listed.


ListIAMResponse is the response to the ListIAM API and contains the list of IAMs visible to the caller.

Field Type Description
iam repeated IAM the list of IAMs.
pagination public.portworx.common.v1.PageBasedPaginationResponse (-- api-linter: core::0132::response-unknown-fields=disabled We need this field for pagination. --) Pagination metadata for this response.


RevokeIAMRequest to revoke/delete a role binding at Tenant (Organization), project or account.

Field Type Description
oneof resource_id.account_id string Account UID under which user wants to delete role .
oneof resource_id.tenant_id string Tenant (Organization) UID under which user wants to delete role .
oneof resource_id.project_id string Project UID under which user wants to delete role .
actor_id string actorId is UID of user/serviceAccount for we want to revoke role in the IAM
access_policy AccessPolicy Describes roles that needs to be revoke


GrantIAMResponse is response for GrantIAM API.

Field Type Description
message string Any error or success message to show for GrantIAM response.


RoleBinding represents the Tenant (Organization)/project/namespace level role bindings and resource IDS.

Field Type Description
role_name string Role name represents the role for a Tenant (Organization)/project/namespace.
resource_ids repeated string Resource IDs represent the IDs bounded for the given role.


The details of the attribute for which the requested list of IAM to be sorted.

Field Type Description
sort_by SortBy.Field Name of the attribute to sort results by.
sort_order public.portworx.common.v1.SortOrder.Value Order of sorting to be applied on requested list. If sort_by having some value and sort_order is not provided, by default ascending order will be used to sort the list.


Supported fields for sorting the requested list of IAMs.


UpdateIAMRequest replaces the existing role binding.

Field Type Description
iam IAM IAM to be updated.



Field names for sorting the list of IAMs.

Name Number Description
FIELD_UNSPECIFIED 0 Unspecified, do not use.
EMAIL 1 Sorting based on the email of the iam.

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Type Java Type Python Type

double double float

float float float

Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int

Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long

Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long

Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long

Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int

Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long

Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int

Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long

Always four bytes. int32 int int

Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long

bool boolean boolean

A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode

May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str